Del Viejo makes the world’s most unique salsa: from the rare datil pepper. This pepper grows in very few areas, with one of the more known cultivars growing in St. Augustine, Florida. These small yellow peppers have a unique and delightful flavor, with a mythical and mysterious history to match. No one really knows exactly where these peppers came from. Legend has it that datil peppers were brought over with the first Spanish explorers, but this is subject to heated (pardon the pun) debate.
Miller™ was tasked with breathing life into the Del Viejo brand story. We developed their branding and packaging design, incorporating rich details that evoke the datil pepper’s legendary and storied history. Flamboyant copywriting lend a centuries-old feel to the brand that permeates every brand touchpoint – from packaging design to website design.
A visually rich website design was created for the Del Viejo brand, with a theatrically decorated seafaring-themed home page.